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Disk Status - Checking

How to Check Disk Health

Checking Disk Health Using Diagnostic Tools (Surface Scan, S.M.A.R.T)

To assess disk health or examine its surface for bad block, you can use the following tools:

  • CrystalDiskInfo
  • HDDScan
  • HD Tune (free version download here)


Checking Disk Status - CrystalDiskInfo

The first of them (CrystalDiskInfo) is one of the most popular programs for reading S.M.A.R.T data (a system for monitoring and reporting hard drive errors). Thanks to CrystalDiskInfo and reading S.M.A.R.T data, we can immediately see if something is wrong with our disk. The program has a general disk assessment defined as "status", this assessment is additionally supplemented with information in the form of a percentage value (100% = "good" status). In order to check the disk status in detail, we read the available values ​​of the subsequent S.M.A.R.T. attributes. A professional approach requires changing the naming to English. From the menu, select Language and select the option "S.M.A.R.T. data in English". It should be noted that by default, the values ​​of individual S.M.A.R.T attributes are expressed in hexadecimal (HEX). To switch to the decimal system, select from the menu: Function -> Advanced Feature -> Raw Values ​​-> 10 [DEC].

S.M.A.R.T Attribute Table

IDHEXAttribute nameDescriptionCriticalBetter
0101Raw Read Error RateThis attribute depends on the number of read errors and the condition of the disk surface, and indicates on the frequency of hardware read errors that occurred while reading data from the disk surface. Low values ​​indicate a problem with the disk surface or read/write heads.
NOTE: SEAGATE drives do not monitor the Raw Read Error Rate parameter, hence the high values ​​during the S.M.A.R.T. test.
YesBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
0202Throughput PerformanceThe overall (throughput) efficiency of the drive. If the value of this attribute is decreasing, there is a good chance that the drive is about to have problems.NoBetter if the value of this attribute is higher
0303Spin Up TimeThe average time to spin up the platters (from 0 RPM to full speed). The RAW value of this attribute expresses time in seconds or milliseconds.NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
0404Start/Stop Mount
(Number of spin-up times)
The RAW value of this attribute is the number of start/stop cycles of the disk.No
0505Reallocated Sectors CountThe number of reallocated sectors. When the disk encounters a read/write/verify error, it marks this sector as reallocated and moves the data to a special reserved area (spare area). This process is also called remapping and the reallocated sectors are called remaps. This is why, on modern drives, we do not see "bad blocks" during surface tests.YesBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
0606Read Channel MarginChannel reserve when reading data. The function of this attribute is not covered by the specification.No
0707Seek Error RateThe frequency of seek errors of the magnetic heads. In the event of mechanical damage to the positioning system, servo damage, or thermal expansion of the disk, the seek error rate increases. More seek errors indicate deterioration of the disk surface and the disk mechanical subsystem. In new Seagate drives, e.g. 7200.11 series, this parameter is high and this is normal for these drives.NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
0808Seek Time PerformanceAverage performance of magnetic head seek operations. If the attribute value decreases, it is a sign of problems with the mechanical subsystem of the disk.NoBetter if the value of this attribute is higher
0909Power-On HoursNumber of hours in the power-on state. The RAW value of the attribute corresponds to the total number of hours (or minutes, seconds, depending on the manufacturer) worked by the disk. A decrease in this value to a critical level (threshold) indicates a decrease in the MTBF parameter (mean time between failures). However, in reality, even if the MTBF drops to zero, it does not mean that the MTBF resources have been completely exhausted and the drive will stop working.NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
100ASpin Retry Count
(Spin-up retries)
The number of retries to spin up the platters. This attribute stores the total number of attempts to start the platters before reaching full rotational speed (provided that the first attempt was unsuccessful). An increase in this attribute is a sign of problems with the mechanical subsystem of the disk, e.g. impending bearing failure.YesBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
110BRecalibration RetriesThis attribute indicates the number of recalibration requests (provided that the first attempt failed). A drop in this attribute is a sign of problems with the mechanical subsystem of the drive.NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
120CDevice Power Cycle Mount
(Start/stop count)
This attribute indicates the total number of full power cycles of the drive.No
130DSoft Read Error RateThis is the number of software read errors that occur when reading data from the disk surface.NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
184B8End-to-End ErrorThis attribute is part of HP's S.M.A.R.T. technology. IV generation and informs that errors occurred on the path between the cache buffer and the disk.YesBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
185B9Head StabilityHead stabilization. An attribute found in Western Digital drives.No
186BAInduced Op-Vibration DetectionDetection of inductive vibration growth. Attribute found in Western Digital drives.No
187BBReported UNC ErrorThe number of errors that cannot be recovered using the ECC hardware correction technology.NoBetter than the value of this attribute is smaller
188BCCommand TimeoutThe number of operations interrupted due to the disk not responding to commands. Normally this parameter should be zero, if it is different it may indicate serious problems with the drive power supply (connector, power supply, etc.)YesBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
189BDHigh Fly WritesTechnology that monitors how the head writes. If the head moves beyond the normal operating range above the platter surface during writing, the operation is interrupted and the writing is repeated in a safe area.NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
190BEAirflow TemperatureIn WDC drives (Ambient (air) temperature)
NOTE: Manufacturers define this parameter differently, e.g. in drives Seagate ST3802110A correct value is 100.
NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
130DSoft Read Error RateThis is the number of software read errors that occur when reading data from the disk surface.NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
184B8End-to-End ErrorThis attribute is part of HP's S.M.A.R.T. technology. IV generation and informs that errors occurred on the path between the cache buffer and the disk.YesBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
185B9Head StabilityHead stabilization. An attribute found in Western Digital drives.No
186BAInduced Op-Vibration DetectionDetection of inductive vibration growth. Attribute found in Western Digital drives.No
187BBReported UNC ErrorThe number of errors that cannot be recovered using the ECC hardware correction technology.NoBetter than the value of this attribute is smaller
188BCCommand TimeoutThe number of operations interrupted due to the disk not responding to commands. Normally this parameter should be zero, if it is different it may indicate serious problems with the drive power supply (connector, power supply, etc.)YesBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
189BDHigh Fly WritesTechnology that monitors how the head writes. If the head moves beyond the normal operating range above the platter surface during writing, the operation is interrupted and the writing is repeated in a safe area.NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
190BEAirflow TemperatureIn WDC drives (Ambient (air) temperature)
NOTE: Manufacturers define this parameter differently, e.g. in drives Seagate ST3802110A correct value is 100.
NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
130DSoft Read Error RateThis is the number of software read errors that occur when reading data from the disk surface.NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
184B8End-to-End ErrorThis attribute is part of HP's S.M.A.R.T. technology. IV generation and informs that errors occurred on the path between the cache buffer and the disk.YesBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
185B9Head StabilityHead stabilization. An attribute found in Western Digital drives.No
186BAInduced Op-Vibration DetectionDetection of inductive vibration growth. Attribute found in Western Digital drives.No
187BBReported UNC ErrorThe number of errors that cannot be recovered using the ECC hardware correction technology.NoBetter than the value of this attribute is smaller
188BCCommand TimeoutThe number of operations interrupted due to the disk not responding to commands. Normally this parameter should be zero, if it is different it may indicate serious problems with the drive power supply (connector, power supply, etc.)YesBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
189BDHigh Fly WritesTechnology that monitors how the head writes. If the head moves beyond the normal operating range above the platter surface during writing, the operation is interrupted and the writing is repeated in a safe area.NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
190BEAirflow TemperatureIn WDC drives (Ambient (air) temperature)
NOTE: Manufacturers define this parameter differently, e.g. in drives Seagate ST3802110A correct value is 100.
NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
209D1Offline Seek PerformanceSelf test during offline seek performanceNo
211D3Vibration During WriteVibration during write. This technology is intended to analyze and protect against accidental vibrations during disk operation, most often helpful in laptops and portable drives (constant vibrations).No
212D4Shock During WriteShocks during write operations. This technology is intended to analyze and protect against accidental shocks during disk operation, most often helpful in laptops and portable drives (sudden impacts, changes in position).No
220DCDisk ShiftDisk shift relative to the axis. This shift could have been caused by a fall or high temperature.NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
221DDG-Sense Error RateThe number of errors occurring during disk overloads (G). The attribute based on the overload sensor provides the total number of errors caused by, for example, dropping the disk or sudden changes in position resulting in overloads.NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
222DELoaded HoursUsage Time battery of magnetic heads caused by normal use. Only the operating time of battery counts.No
223DFLoad/Unload Retry CountTime of use of magnetic heads for operations such as: reading, writing, head positioning. Working time of head position changes in the data zone.No
224E0Load FrictionResistance caused by friction in mechanical parts during operation. Condition caused by friction of mechanical parts. (note: This parameter informs about problems with the disk's mechanical system)NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
225E1Load/Unload Cycle CountThe total number of park/unpark cycles from the parking zone (Landing Zone).NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
226E2Load 'In'-timeThe total time the heads worked over the data zone. (Time not spent in parking zone)No
227E3Torque Amplification CountNumber of attempts to spin up the platters. How many times the disk tried to spin up the disk to the operating speed.NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
228E4Power-Off Retract CycleThe amount of automatic protection of the magnetic mechanism due to power loss.NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
230E6GMR Head AmplitudeHead vibration amplitude (GMR-head) during operation.No
231E7TemperatureTemperature DiskNoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
240F0Head Flying HoursThe time in which the head is positioned.No
241F1Total LBA-s WrittenTotal number of sectors written. (WD parameter)No
242F2Total LBA-s ReadTotal number of sectors read. (WD parameter)No
250FARead Error Retry RateThe frequency of errors when reading data from the disk.NoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower
254FEFree Fall ProtectionThe amount of reading from the Free Fall Sensor (Free Fall Sensor for detecting monitored portable electronic devices) This sensor is designed to inform you when a drive has fallen. PatentNoBetter if the value of this attribute is lower


Checking the Disk Status - HDDScan

HDDScan is a tool used to diagnose hard drives or other data carriers. Thanks to it, we can check the aforementioned devices for errors (bad blocks), we can also read S.M.A.R.T. attributes. The program has the ability to work in task mode (tasks), which allows for a series of tests to be performed on several successively selected media.

HD Tune

Checking Disk Health - HD Tune

HD Tune is currently a very popular, easy-to-use tool, thanks to which we can check the disk surface, run a so-called "benchmark" (speed test) or check parameters related to the disk health through S.M.A.R.T data ("Health" tab). Free version (2.55) can be downloaded here.

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Published by
Maciej Drobiński

Programmer and specialist in data recovery, author of StrongRecovery software

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