Data Recovery Step by Step
What to do when data loss occurs
Every user of a computer or device equipped with an information carrier (storing e.g. photos, films) sooner or later faces the problem of losing important data. Often, fearing the bad consequences of such a situation, we direct the matter to more qualified hands, in the hope that our data will be recovered.
The cardinal rule is not to save anything to the disk from which we intend to recover data. Data loss from the system disk (e.g. from the desktop) also requires caution, such a system should be quickly turned off, because its indirect operation may contribute to data loss (using a web browser and consequently saving temporary files in the background may already lead to this).
Is data recovery really that difficult and is it better to entrust this task to specialists? To find the answer to this question, we should know what situation we are dealing with...
Is the disk from which we are to recover data physically damaged or does it raise suspicions of such damage (the disk has fallen, experienced a shock, there are problems with the power supply, the disk makes strange sounds during operation, the disk has ceased to be visible in the BIOS, or the disk has been flooded with water)?
Some of the above situations are extremely unfavorable and require a specialist approach. In the worst cases (water damage, serious mechanical damage, obvious damage), a laboratory analysis of the medium is necessary to determine the type of damage and its level. A medium damaged to a small extent (problems with reading occurred, there was no physical damage or no situations were observed that had an indirect effect on physical damage), can be subjected to data recovery attempts using software, but it should be noted that we do it at our own risk, the level of damage during the operation of such a disk may increase, so if we sense that the damage is serious or we care about the data very much, we should not do anything on our own.
In the case of frequent damage to the "electronics" that causes the "agony" of the disk, it is possible to bring the disk back to life by replacing this "electronics" or replacing the security components.
If we are dealing with damage to the medium contributing to problems with reading data, then we may lose this data irretrievably, but it may turn out that what can be recovered will be satisfactory to us.
The most dangerous thing for magnetic media (traditional hard drives) is flooding with water. Damage to a degree that leaves no chance of recovering data is also dangerous for drives, especially intentional damage to the media, which contributes to serious mechanical damage.
You have accidentally deleted files, what now?
In such a situation, you should first of all follow a few rules:
Do not save anything to the disk where the data was lost
In the event of data loss on the system disk, it is recommended to close the system and start another one or connect the disk to another computer and start data recovery there
Make sure the disk is not in use to save some information while we work at the computer
If all these conditions have been met, we can move on to the section that is dedicated to this case (Recovering Deleted Files from Disk)
My partitions, logical drives (C, D, E...) have disappeared, but the hard drive (or physical drive) is visible in BIOS - it is not damaged...
If the drive was not reorganized (partitions were not created anew), then the described method should help: Restoring Lost Partitions
I formatted the drive, but nothing was saved afterwards, or I formatted the drive to a different file system (NTFS- > FAT / FAT -> NTFS, FAT16 -> FAT32 / FAT32 -> FAT16)
Solution: Recovering Data from Disk After Format
I lost data as a result of rescue software (so-called Recovery CD)...
Access to my disks has been cut off, what now?
This is a fairly common and thankless case. The "Recovery" software integrated with laptops contributes to overwriting the previous partition, or, colloquially speaking, "eats" it to a greater or lesser extent. It can also contribute to the loss of other disks. What should be done in such a case? In order:
If after starting StrongRecovery the "fast partition recovery manager" appears and on its list there is the disk or disks of interest to which access has been lost, then you can recover it by clicking "restore". You can also choose what the program should "restore" in the options
If we have access to the disk that was "eaten" by the "Recovery CD", this disk has the same size as before and the file system has not changed, then you can open it (right click on the disk -> settings -> damaged) and it is best to wait until the scan is finished, then proceed as described in the article: Recovering Deleted Files from the Disk
The partition is invisible, it has been lost, the solution is in the article: Recovery Partition